If you are looking to get world-class media features and speaking engagements, and business strategy, you’re in the right place



Check the stats

Speaking engagements

Haddy was booked to give a keynote talk in front of the Prime Minister of St Marteen

Forbes features

30+ pieces (and counting) of coverage placed in Forbes.

Media coverage

Over £3 million of media coverage secured, including local, national and international outlets. Coverage = TV, newspapers, online publications and offline publications.

Revenue achieved

- Our consultation clients have tripled their revenue in 3 months.
- Helped a client to achieve over £100k in revenue in their first year of trading

Award winners

- 90% of award nominations that I write get shortlisted, and I have helped many of my clients to win top business awards, including a Forbes 30 under 30 award. - Nominated 2 clients for Queen's Honours awards and they won

Global coverage

Media coverage secured in over 46 countries worldwide.

Global reach

Clients in the UK, Canada, Australia, the USA and Africa.

Haddy Folivi

Who's Haddy?

I’m Haddy Folivi, a global publicist with over 20 years’ experience in the media, and I have a knack for placing CONSISTENTLY outstanding media features. My clients range from business owners that have sold $100million companies, to start-ups, and my mission is simple: To give entrepreneurs a mouthpiece and increase their visibility and credibility, which equals bigger bankability.

Want my insider know-how of how to Get into Forbes? Grab my free guide below.


What can I do for you?

PR Retainer Services

Want to make a global impact? Then my hands-on retainer service is for you. I secure media features that will showcase your expertise and more

Training & Consulting

Not every business owner can afford PR services, so I have created several online courses to help you get the media coverage you deserve

I get results

I can secure you world-class coverage

I aim to deliver for every single client, and I guarantee media features for the clients that I take on. I am tenacious and committed to delivering with integrity and confidentiality. This is one of the reasons why I have a high retainer rate, and my longest client has been working with me since 2012.


Got a question?

I have personally served over 60 clients, and I have secured coverage for everyone single one of them. Most businesses have something that they can pitch to the press, they just don’t know what, and that’s where I come in. The media angle is key, and I take the time to find the right angle/stories in your business. I see pitchable stories everywhere. Some people see ghosts. I see media features.

I get asked this question a lot. The answer is no. No publicist can guarantee Forbes or any other publication because it’s down to the writer and the editor. If you find someone who says they can guarantee you coverage in Forbes or any other publication, hold on to your cash. It means that someone is being paid off, which is totally against the terms and conditions of most credible outlets.

My longest-serving client has been working with me since 2012. A lot of clients come for three months and end up staying for years. I could use the Richard Branson quote here, where he said that he would spend his last pound on PR, but that would be too cliché (see what I did there!). It’s definitely worth getting publicity for your business. It’s not just a “nice thing”, it’s essential for raising your profile, getting more clients and communicating the right message about your brand.

Nope. I work with most entrepreneurs, from branding experts to beauty consultants. The reason why is because I have contacts across sectors, and I don’t want my clients all competing for the same journalist’s attention. Besides, variety is the spice of life….

Are you ready to get results

If you are serious about raising your profile, and you are not afraid to invest to do so, drop me a line. I would love to chat with you.